
The current mood of Sam at

Cool Thing of the Week

Link to a page by Toby Fox about unused DELTARUNE Chapter 2 Music

The UTDR Newsletter for the month just dropped, and this was def my favorite part. It shows off a bunch of unused songs from DELTARUNE chapter 2 plus Toby Fox's thought process when he was making them.

Leads to Hub World.

The Creator

An image of my persona


My name's Sam! I use any pronouns, but they/them is my default. Thanks for taking the time to explore my website! Sorry for all the mess. I'm learning HTML and CSS as I go, so what you're seeing is mostly the result of trial and error. Mostly error. Feel free to take a look around - this site isn't anywhere near finished, but I'm trying my best to work on it consistently so there should be something new whenever you come back! And make sure to keep your eyes peeled for secrets :3

If you have any suggestions for improving accessibility, bug reports, or anything else you'd like to tell me, you can do it here! Your feedback is greatly appreciated!

About Me

Stuff I Am

  • Texan (yeehaw)
  • 19 years old
  • Anarchist
  • Lesbian
  • Agender
  • Neurodivergent (got the ADHD real bad)
  • Hypermobile (mostly in my arms and hands)

Stuff I Like

  • TMNT (2003 is my fave iteration)
  • Making Stuff (art, zines, websites, etc.)
  • Video Games
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Fungi (Shocking I know)
  • Cool weather

Stuff I Hate

  • Doing the dishes
  • My spine (scoliosis ouch)
  • AI slop
  • The Sun
  • Summer
  • Capitalism
  • Cops

Stuff I'm Working On

  • This site
  • Finding a job
  • Learning web development

About The Site


It's my goal for this site to be accessible and useable on as many devices as possible, but since I'm learning as I go, this is going to be a slow process. If you notice anything I missed or have suggestions on how to make websites accessible, feel free to let me know in the Suggestion Box!

Accessibility Status By Page:

All Pages:
  • High Contrast Text
  • Zoom (including Text-Only) Friendly
  • No flashing gifs/colors
  • No autoplaying videos/music
Hub World:
  • Mobile Friendly
About Me (you are here!):
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Not Mobile Friendly yet, but a mobile-friendly alternative is provided
404 Page:
  • Mobile friendly
  • Includes gif background - Button to stop gif is planned to be added

Age Rating

This site will contain some swearing and crass language, but is otherwise sfw and open to everyone! Currently I don't have any pages with serious/adult topics, but when they appear they will be clearly marked and have content warnings so you can easily avoid them.


This site won't contain hotlinking (with the exception of status updates from other sites and such). I'm working on adding credits for any images I didn't make on the bottom of every page, but for now most images have credits in their title.

If you want to use any of my artwork for your own site, please don't hotlink it. Save it to your device and put it on your site in the same way you would with an image you created yourself. Definitely don't claim it as your own, and, if you can add it, visible credit is greatly appreciated. Linking back to my site is a nice bonus, but not required.

On My To Do:

  • Add image credits to the bottom of each page
  • Make a sitemap
  • Look over alt text for existing pages
  • Make visuals for About Me
  • Start on worms