A strange melody floats through the air...
Welcome to the Void
You find yourself floating in an empty world between worlds. This place feels familiar. Have you been here before? Perhaps in a dream? Possibly in Michigan? You have no way to know, and neither do I. My existence as a narrator is currently limited to this page.
Picture frame hover in the air around you. Only one has anything inside of it. This world is growing, but still not mature. You are free to explore - perhaps you will even find some secrets as you do - but if you find yourself wishing for more, why not travel to some worlds that are more complete?

If you wish to link back to this world, you can use one of these buttons to do so:

Please do not hotlink - save the image of the button you want to use and put it in your site that way
...It seems you aren't entirely alone. A strange fungal creature floats along with you. You get the feeling that you should begin your journey here.

Have a suggestion?
Drop it in the suggestion box!Update Log
- Library page up and running
- "Cool Thing of the Week" is now an iframe for easier updating. Sorry for any formatting issues due to this, I tried my best
- Fixed the layout of the clown adoptables page
- Started work on Library page
- Added some hover animations to the homepage
- Updates are now weekly instead of sporadic
- Created Credits page
- New adoptables in the Giftshop (Clowns!!)
- Made Sitemap
- Fixed some minor mistakes from the last update
- 'Temple' page is now a planned thing
- Minor layout changes
- Cool Thing of the Week updated
- Added some links to other places I hang out on the interwebs
- Code cleanup
- Visual tweaks
- Updated To Do List
- Made naming conventions more consitent
- Split About Me and About the Site into separate pages
- Small visual tweaks in Guestbook
- Complete overhaul of About Me page to make it responsive, plus new content
- 'Cool Thing of the Day' is now Cool Thing of the Week
- Small tweaks to Hub World
- 'Under Construction' page is now the 'Page Not Found' page instead
- Links to future pages now lead nowhere
- Guestbook now in useable state (to be overhauled later)
- Tweaked flavor text to be more accurate
- Added a placeholder image in the 'Guestbook' frame
- Small tweaks to 'About Me' page
- Fixed 'Under Construction' page for mobile
- Moved 'About Me' link so that it's more obvious
- Updated 'About Me' graphics
- Added icon to 'Under Construction' page
- Updated alt text + other accessibility updates
- Minor visual tweaks
- Finished 'About Me' bones (graphics yet to be added)
- Added a suggestion box
- Added another button
- Spruced up the 'Under Construction' page
- Got rid of 'placeholder' text in picture frame
- Added flavor text
- New font + other visual tweaks
- Added some buttons
- A strange creature made its way in...
- Added Update Log!
- Created 'Construction Site' page and made links to unfinished pages link to it instead
- Deleted links to other platforms (to be added again later)
- Put 'Guestbook' with the rest of the links
- Various small visual tweaks